Thursday, July 08, 2010

Hello people,

dont get me wrong, I love it, but where the hell did you all come from?! I was like O_O
Thank you for following! :)

I'm trying to update chronologically.

Finally I lettered the 18h comic for WWF rainforest project in English. As you can see I did it very sloppyly but I did it :D The cover is just for presenting it online, that's not the print format
I totally unexpected won two Faber Castell drawing sets, my first material prize, woho!
Character's are not mine, they are from the project.

1: a bookdummy from march, selfbound. I was in such a hurry back then that some things turned out horrible (e.g. placing of the type) but that's what a dummy is for :D
2: birthday card from april. you can't fold the card properly but well.. I still like it and it was my first try :D iiz se headbanging zebra!


  1. Sehr schöne Sachen! Der Dummy sieht für einen Dummy edel aus :) Das wäre so ein Buch, das ich im Laden in die Hand nehmen würde. Genau mein Geschmack.
    Das Bild vom WWF-Comic, wo das blonde Mädchen "aus dem Himmel fällt" und man das dunkle Mädchen im abgeholzten Wald sieht, ist voll schlimm D: Aber deshalb ziemlich gelungen.
